This may sound like a daunting task. While many Internet sources suggest using a water and vinegar mixture to wipe down cabinets, we strongly advise against this. The acid in the vinegar has a tendency to eat way at the topcoat causing discoloration and hazy spots. Once the lacquer becomes etched by the acidic cleaning solution, it will require refinishing.
Instead of this age-old vinegar solution, we suggest using an All-Purpose cleaner that is free of harsh chemicals, such as vinegar and ammonia. A great option is the Method All-Purpose spray. The key here is to not soak the surface of the cabinetry. You want to lightly mist the cabinet surface and immediately wipe dry with a soft white cloth.
By avoiding harsh cleaning chemicals and extended periods of exposure to water, your cabinetry will be as beautiful 10 years down the road as the day you first saw it.